Open-tray Impression
Implants & Prostheses From Dental-360 Hospital – “Impressions Of Dependability”
An “Open-tray Impression” is a technique for obtaining an accurate Impression of a patient’s teeth and gums, which then, is used for implant supported prosthesis. In this process, an impression coping is attached to the implant and a custom made tray is placed over that area covering the teeth and the gums. Subsequently, impression material is poured over the tray and allowed to set in and form a mould. Lastly, this tray is removed along with the copings and the mould, which is sent to the Lab for fabricating the prosthesis.
Open-Tray Impression is considered to be very stable and accurate process to take a dental impression. It is the best preferred for multiple implants as compared to the Closed-Tray.